Nicolas Richard (1982) is the holder of an agrégation in history and a doctorate from Charles University in Prague and l’université Paris-Sorbonne (2013), as well as a former resident at the fondation Thiers. His research focuses on the religious history of the early modern period in the kingdom of Bohemia.


Guided by Christ and the Virgin Mary, Peter (the pope) holds the rudder of the ship carrying the apostles and saints. The Doctors of the Church propel the ship toward reconquered Constantinople, while the saints of the Counter-Reformation, led by the archangel Michael, defend it against ancient (Arius) and modern (Luther and Calvin) heresiarchs. In the four corners are scenes evoking the expansion of Christianity, the Crusades, and martyrdom. Painted in Mexico, this allegory of the Counter-Reformation Church was inspired by Italian engravings. Anonymous painter of the seventeenth century, The Ship of Mystical Contemplation (The Triumph of the Catholic Church), Tepotzotlán, Museo Nacional del Virreinato. Source : Wikimedia Commons

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