Olga Medvedkova is a Director of Research at the CNRS, a former member of the centre André-Chastel, and, since 2014, member of the centre Jean-Pépin (“Theory and History of Esthetics, Technology, and the Arts” group). She is a specialist of the history of modern architecture, architectural theory and publication, as well as cultural transfer. She has notably published: Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond, architecte 1679-1719: de Paris à Saint-Pétersbourg (Paris: Alain Baudry, 2007), Kandinsky ou la critique des critiques. Écrits russes de Kandinsky (1899-1911) (Paris: Presses du réel, 2014). In the context of the LabEx EHNE, she is leading the collective project “The Europeans, the Architects that Conceived Europe.”