Olga Medvedkova is a Director of Research at the CNRS, a former member of the centre André-Chastel, and, since 2014, member of the centre Jean-Pépin (“Theory and History of Esthetics, Technology, and the Arts” group). She is a specialist of the history of modern architecture, architectural theory and publication, as well as cultural transfer. She has notably published: Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond, architecte 1679-1719: de Paris à Saint-Pétersbourg (Paris: Alain Baudry, 2007), Kandinsky ou la critique des critiques. Écrits russes de Kandinsky (1899-1911) (Paris: Presses du réel, 2014). In the context of the LabEx EHNE, she is leading the collective project “The Europeans, the Architects that Conceived Europe.”


Louis REAU, Histoire de l'expansion de l'art français. Pays scandinaves, Angleterre, Amérique du Nord, Paris, Henri Laurens, 1931.

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