Philippe RYGIEL

Philippe Rygiel is a Professor at l’université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, and a specialist in the history of migration. He notably works on the history of administrative practices in the control of foreign and/or immigrant populations, as well as the emergence of international migration regulation before 1914. He also serves as the president of the Advisory board of the French National Museum of the History of Immigration. His publications include: Hearing from Home, Saint-Denis,, 2012; Politique et administration du genre en migration : mondes atlantiques, xixe-xxe siècles, Saint-Denis,, 2011.


“The Tragedy of Secret Emigration,” illustrated supplement for the Corriere della Sera, November 17, 1946.
“The Tragedy of Secret Emigration,” illustrated supplement for the Corriere della Sera, November 17, 1946. Source :

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