Rebecca ROGERS

Rebecca Rogers is Professor of the History of Education at the University Paris Descartes (UMR 8070 Cerlis), specializing in the education of girls. Her research in French and English explores the education of girls in France and the colonies, along with co-education and historiography in the areas of women's history and the history of education. Her publications include: A Frenchwoman’s Imperial Story: Madame Luce in 19th-century Algeria (Stanford, 2013); Girls’ Secondary Education in the Western World: From the 18th to the 20th Century (with James Albisetti and Joyce Goodman, Palgrave, 2010, Éd. de Poche, 2014); Les bourgeoises au pensionnat. L’éducation féminine au xixe siècle (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007); La mixité dans l’éducation. Enjeux passés et présents (ENS Éditions, 2004). She has been a member of the editorial board of Histoire de l’éducation since 2004 and of Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire since 2005.



“As a Matter for Discussion: The Question of Separate Instruction in School »,” V poriadke diskussii, Krokodil, no.21 (1950): 4. Translation: “How two secondary schools…will be made into two excellent schools” through the mingling of the sexes.
Science courses at the Kalvskindet school (Norway), circa 1900, Erik Olsen

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