Samuel Boussion is a historian, Associate Professor of Education Sciences at l’université Paris 8 Saint-Denis, and a member of the Institute for the History of Present Times (IHTP), CNRS UMR 8244 Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis. His research focuses on the history of specialized education, examining the care for so-called “irregular” children, doing so from a transnational perspective at the intersection of the history of medicine and the history of education. He has notably edited two special reports of the Revue d’histoire de l’enfance “irrégulière,” entitled “Autour de l’enfant : la ronde des professionnels xixe-xxe siècles” (2010) and “Le psychiatre, l’enfant et l’État. Enjeux d’une spécialité en construction, 1900-1950” with Jean-Christophe Coffin (2016), as well as a special report for Études sociales, ”Éducation et rééducation en situation coloniale au Maghreb xixe-xxe siècles,” with Sylvie Thénault (2010). His publications include Les éducateurs spécialisés : naissance d’une profession. Le rôle de l’Association nationale des éducateurs de jeunes inadaptés (Aneji) 1947-1959 (Rennes, PUR, 2013), and recently with Mathias Gardet and Martine Ruchat, L’internationale des républiques d’enfants 1939-1955 (Paris, Anamosa, 2020).

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