Sophie Tejedor is a doctoral student and teaching and research temporary attaché at Paris-Sorbonne. She is currently preparing a thesis in early modern history, under the direction of Denis Crouzet, on the reign of Francis II of France and the beginning of the wars of religion in France (1559-1560). Her research focuses specifically on the evolution of political ideas and mentalities in France resulting from the outbreak of religious turmoil.

The Colloquy of Poissy of 1561 was held at the initiative of the regent Catherine de’ Medici and the chancellor Michel de l’Hôpital. Theodor Beza was invited to speak to the kingdom’s Catholic and political representatives. Metal plate taken from Perrissin and Tortorel’s Premier volume contenant quarante tableaux ou histoires diverses qui sont mémorables touchant les guerres, massacres et troubles advenus en France, 1569-1570.