Stéphane Castelluccio received a research degree from the Ecole du Louvre in 1989, with a thesis on Le château de Marly sous le règne de Louis XVI, as well as a doctorate from the Paris IV-Sorbonne University in 1998, with a doctoral thesis on Le garde-meuble de la couronne et les collections royales d’objets d’art, 1774-1798. In 2007, he also received the authorization to oversee academic research (HDR), with a postdoctoral thesis defended at Paris IV-Sorbonne on Le commerce des meubles et des objets d’art par les marchands merciers parisiens pendant le règne de Louis XIV. He has served as a CNRS researcher (HDR) at the Centre André Chastel UMR 8150 in Paris since 1994.

A specialist on the history of royal residences, interior decoration, furniture, art object collections, and the trade in luxury goods in France during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, he has studied the importing of art objects from the East towards Europe in particular, along with their trade, use, and evolving reception in France.

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