Stéphane FRIOUX

Stéphane Frioux is an Associate Professor of modern history at Université Lyon 2, a member of LARHRA (UMR CNRS 5190), and the president of the Scholarly Network of Researchers in Environmental History (RUCHE). His research is at the intersection of the history of public health, urban history, and environmental history. He is currently working on policies relating to atmospheric pollution from the late nineteenth to the late twentieth century. His publications include the synthetic volume Hygiène et santé en Europe de la fin du xviiie siècle aux lendemains de la Première Guerre mondiale (Paris, SEDES, 2011, with Patrick Fournier and Sophie Chauveau); Les batailles de l’hygiène. Villes et environnement de Pasteur aux Trente Glorieuses (Paris, PUF, 2013); and coordination of the feature entitled “Les coulisses de la santé environnementale” in Écologie & Politique, 58, 2019/1 (with Renaud Bécot and Anne Marchand).