Stéphane Lavignotte is a doctoral student in ethics at the Institut de théologie protestante (IPT Paris). His thesis focuses on the theologian André Dumas and his intervention in public debates, especially in favour of legalizing contraception and VIP (voluntary interruption of pregnancy). The holder of a diploma in political science (IEP Bordeaux), journalism (CFJ Paris), and theology (IPT Paris), he has published numerous works, notably on gender and minorities: Vivre égaux et différents (L’atelier, 2008); Au-delà du lesbien et du mâle, la subversion des identités sexuelles dans la théologie queer d’Elizabeth Stuart (Van Dieren, 2008); Les religions sont-elles réactionnaires? (Textuel, 2014). He contributed to the collective work L’accueil radical, ressources pour une église inclusive (Labor et Fides, 2015). He is also the author of books on the ecology movement and its intellectuals: La décroissance est-elle souhaitable? (Textuel, 2009); Jacques Ellul, l’espérance d’abord (Olivétan, 2012); Serge Moscovici ou l’écologie subversive (Le passager clandestin, 2016).


The consecration of two new bishops in the Church of Sweden by Archbishop Antje Jackelén (centre): Johan Dalman, Bishop of Strängnäs (left), and Mikael Mogren, Bishop of Västerås (right), Uppsala Cathedral, September 6, 2015.

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