Stéphanie SAUGET

A former student of the École normale supérieure of Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, Stéphanie Sauget currently serves as Associate Professor of Modern History at  Tours University. A historian of the nineteenth century, she is a specialist of space-related imaginaries. She has published À la recherche des pas perdus.  Une histoire des gares parisiennes (1837-1914) (Paris, Tallandier, 2009), and Histoire des maisons hantées. France, Grande-Bretagne, États-Unis – 1780-1940 (Paris, Tallandier, 2011), and has edited Les âmes errantes. Fantômes et revenants dans la France du xixe siècle (Grâne: Creaphis, 2012). Her postdoctoral thesis, which she will defend in 2019, focuses on “Des lieux, des sensibilités et des imaginaires au xixe siècle.”

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