Stef Pukallus is Senior Lecturer in Public Communication and Civil Development at the University of Sheffield (UK) and Director of Research, Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM). She also acts as Chair of the Hub for the Study of Communication in Peacebuilding (HSCP) which is currently being developed as part of CFOM. With regard to her research into European integration, Stef has focused on three areas: first, the way in which the European Commission has attempted to stimulate European civil integration since 1951; second, the history of European public and political communication including the way in which the European Commission has represented European citizenship. Third, the use and understanding of the EU’s communicative power in its attempts to create a deliberative democratic union, a European public sphere and a regulatory environment that safeguards freedom of expression and media pluralism. She has published two research monographs: ‘Representations of European Citizenship since 1951’ and ‘The Building of Civil Europe 1952-1972’, both published with Palgrave. She was part of the academic team writing the third volume of the official history of the European Commission entitled: ‘The European Commission – History and Memories of an Institution 1986-2000’ (HISTCOM3). Her contribution focused on public opinion, citizenship and the public communication strategy of the European Commission during this period.

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