Sylviane Tinembart has been a Professor at the Haute École pédagogique du canton de Vaud (Switzerland) since 2002, after serving as a teacher for twenty years at the elementary and secondary school levels. Her fields of study include school learning, teaching mediums  and practices, as well as the context in which they emerged and their transformation from a sociohistorical perspective. She has taught in basic, continuing, and postgraduate educational settings on topics relating to the history of educational institutions and pedagogical doctrines, school manuals, the evolving role and identity of teachers, in addition to class management. She recently published, with Edward Pahud, Une « innovation » pédagogique. Le cas de l’enseignement mutuel au xixe siècle (Neuchâtel, Alphil, 2019).


Images taken from the appendices of Joseph Hamel, The Monitorial system, or the History of the introduction and spread of this method through the efforts of Doctor Bell and J. Lancaster and others, Paris, Colas, 1818. Figure 1 Each class of students is arranged in a semi-circle around its monitor, who indicates the words to be read on the reading board attached to the wall. Figure 2 The monitor checks the writing exercises prepared by each of his classmates on a slate.

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