Sylvie Lindeperg is a Professor of Film History at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and an honorary member of l’Institut universitaire de France.

She is the author of: Les écrans de l’ombre. La Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le cinéma français (Paris: Seuil, 2014, 2nd edition); Clio de 5 à 7 (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2000); Nuit et Brouillard. Un film dans l’histoire (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2007); Univers concentrationnaire et génocide. Voir, savoir, comprendre with Annette Wieviorka (Paris: Mille et Une Nuits, 2008); Who Owns the Images ? with Ania Szczepanska (Francfort: Meson Press, 2021). She has also co-edited ten books including Le moment Eichmann (with Annette Wieviorka). Her most recent work, Nuremberg, la bataille des images, was published by Payot in April 2021.

Sylvie Lindeperg also co-wrote the film Face aux fantômes (2009) with Jean-Louis Comolli, and Traces filmées de la Résistance (2014) with Ginette Lavigne.



1. Westerbork transit camp. Boarding and departure of a convoy of Jews and Gypsies leaving the internment camp for Auschwitz on May 19, 1944 (the identity of the young girl in the scarf was discovered in the 1990s; her name was Anna Maria Settela Steinbach, a young Sinti girl who was murdered a few weeks later at Auschwitz-Birkenau).
1. Westerbork transit camp. Boarding and departure of a convoy of Jews and Gypsies leaving the internment camp for Auschwitz on May 19, 1944 (the identity of the young girl in the scarf was discovered in the 1990s; her name was Anna Maria Settela Steinbach, a young Sinti girl who was murdered a few weeks later at Auschwitz-Birkenau).

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