Sylvie Schweitzer is Emeritus Professor of Modern History at the University of Lyon 2. She is a specialist in the history of women’s labor. She has published Les femmes ont toujours travaillé. Une histoire de leurs métiers, xixe-xxe siècle (Odile Jacob, 2002), which retraces the history of the division of the labor market; Femmes de pouvoir. Une histoire de l’égalité professionnelle en Europe (Payot, 2010), which focuses on the comparative history of professional women; and Les inspectrices du travail, 1878-1914. Le genre de la fonction publique (PUR, 2016), which uses the prosopography of female labor inspectors to show how and why gender mixing in a profession does not automatically lead to gender equality.


Fig 1. 1914. Maria Vérone (marked by a cross), the first female French lawyer to plead before the court of assize, served from 1919 to 1938 as the president of the Ligue française du droits des femmes (LFDF, French League for Women’s Rights), which included many professional women (lawyers, doctors, teachers, women of letters). Source : Wikimedia Commons

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