With an advanced teaching degree, Tatiana Debbagi Baranova is an associate professor of early modern history at Sorbonne University. She has worked on the culture of libelous writing during France’s Wars of Religion and on opinion, political reputation and controversial confrontation phenomena. Drawn from her master’s thesis, her book, À coups de libelles. Une culture politique pendant les guerres de Religion (With Libelous Blows: A Political Culture During the Wars of Religion) was published in 2012 (Geneva, Droz). She now works on singing practices and songs as media during 16th- and 17th- century religious and political conflicts.


Martin Luther (author), Lucas Cranach the Elder (engraver), Passional Christi und Antichristi, Wittenberg, 1521, A ii v°- A iij. This work sets side-by-side images from episodes in the life of Christ and the Pope, for the purpose of showing that the latter was none other than the Antichrist. Left page: Christ, beaten and mocked, receives a crown of thorns. Right page: The Pope, venerated by bishops and abbots, receives a tiara.

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