Thibault BECHINI

A graduate of l’École normale supérieure de Lyon and the holder of an agrégation in history, Thibault Bechini is interested in the comparative history of Italian migration during the second half of the nineteenth century, as well as the role played by Italian migrants in the material transformation of European and American ports. He has completed in 2020 a doctoral thesis at l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne on the urbanization of the peripheral neighborhoods of Marseille and Buenos Aires between the 1860s and the First World War.


1. Italian and French workers on the reconstruction site for the Sète casino (1910s). © Graille-Bourrelly private collection.
1. Italian and French workers on the reconstruction site for the Sète casino (1910s). © Graille-Bourrelly private collection.
1:  Home built in the Chutes-Lavie neighborhood in the late 1880s by Victor Ferraris, an Italian entrepreneur in cement construction. Photo by the author.
Home built in the Chutes-Lavie neighborhood in the late 1880s by Victor Ferraris, an Italian entrepreneur in cement construction. Photo by the author.

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