Virginie Chaillou-Atrous is a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre de recherches en histoire internationale et atlantique (CRHIA) at the University of Nantes. She coordinates research pillar 4 (Europe, Europeans and the world) of the LabEx EHNE (Écrire une histoire nouvelle de l’Europe). She is a specialist of circulations and forced migrations in the West Indian Ocean, and is particularly interested in the history of African and Indian indentured labourers in La Réunion during the nineteenth century.  She is the author of numerous articles and books including De l’Inde à la Réunion. Histoire d’une transition, l’épreuve du lazaret 1860-1882 (La Réunion: Océan Éditions, 2002), and Esclaves sous contrat. Histoire des engagés africains à La Réunion au xixe siècle, forthcoming in 2016 from the publisher Vendémiaire.  

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