Yannick RIPA

A professor of the political and social history of nineteenth century Europe at the University Paris 8, Yannick Ripa leads a research seminar on the history of gender and women, a subject on which she has published the first manual in France. She is a member of the UMR Sirice and an associate researcher with the Équipe d'accueil
EA1571, which is part of the “Écrire une histoire nouvelle de l’Europe” LabEx (EHNE), she is also the editorial manager for the theme “Gender and Europe” of the EHNE digital encyclopedia. A regular contributor to Libération, where she writes reviews of works on the history of gender, she is especially interested in so-called peripheral subjects of women’s history (madness, violence, seduction), as well as the role of gender in the construction of political models and wars.

Recent publications: L’affaire Rouy, une femme contre l’asile au xixe siècle (Tallandier, 2010). Les femmes actrices de l’histoire, France 1789 à nos jours (Armand Colin, 2010). Les femmes en France de 1880 à nos jours (analyse de 400 photos) (Chêne, 2007).


Adolphe Willette, Madeleine, Monologue and 9 drawing, Paris, D'Alignan, 1920 (one of 250 facsimile copies of a Willette notebook, dated July 1911).
Suzanne Lenglen, the “diva of tennis,” or the emancipation of the woman’s body through sport, 1923.
Bund Deutscher Mädel parade (League of young German women, the feminine branch of the Hitler Youth), 1941. © Wikimedia Commons/German Federal Archives. Source : Wikimedia Commons

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