A former student of the College of Europe and holder of a doctorate in the history of international relations, Maria Gainar, a specialist on European diplomacy, is a member of the Centre Raymond-Poidevin of the University of Strasbourg. After contributing to the publication of L’Europe au cœur. Études pour Marie-Thérèse Bitsch (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2009), in 2009-2010 she actively participated in the junior program of the Maison interuniversitaire des sciences de l’homme Alsace (MISHA) on the opposition to Europe, and in the autumn of 2013 also co-edited Contre l’Europe? Anti-européisme, euroscepticisme et alter-européisme dans la construction européenne de 1945 à nos jours, vol. 2 : Institutions, milieux politiques et société (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2013). Her thesis, which was directed by Marie-Thérèse Bitsch and awarded the Prix Jean-Baptiste Duroselle in 2012 and the Prix Pierre Pflimlin in 2013, was published under the title Aux origines de la diplomatie européenne. Les Neuf et la coopération politique européenne de 1973 à 1980 (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2012). In 2014 she coordinated the special edition entitled “La diplomatie de l’Union européenne” for the École nationale d’administration’s review Études européennes.