Frédéric FOGACCI

A holder of an agrégation in history, Frédéric Fogacci defended a thesis in 2008 on La mouvance politique radicale et radical-socialiste de la Libération à la fin des années 1960, at the University Paris-Sorbonne. His research explores the political and social history of France during the twentieth century; he has edited or co-edited numerous journal issues, including a special issue of Histoire@Politique on persons of note in French political life, and an issue of Parlement(s) on the notion of transgression in politics. A member of the Centre d’histoire du xixe siècle (EA 3550), he is currently the director of studies and research at the Fondation Charles de Gaulle.


Rundgemälde von Europa im August MDCCCXLIX (1849). Panorama of Europe, august 1849. A caricature by Ferdinand Schröder on the defeat of the revolutions of 1848/49 in Europe (published in Düsseldorfer Monatshefte, August 1849.) Caricatures: Victoria (Queen of the United Kingdom), Frederick William IV (Emperor of Prussia), Christian VIII (King of Denmark) and Napoleon III (Emperor of France).

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