François JARRIGE

François Jarrige is an Associate Professor in history at Université de Bourgogne, and a member of Institut universitaire de France. He is a historian of the nineteenth century, and is interested in industrialization and its social and environmental impacts. His particular focus is on the worlds of labor, technology, socialism, and energy debates.

He has notably published (with Alexis Vrignon), Face à la puissance. Une histoire des énergies alternatives à l’âge industriel, Paris, La Découverte, 2020; (with T. Le Roux), La contamination du monde. Une histoire des pollutions à l’âge industriel, Paris, Seuil (coll. “L’univers historique”), 2017; (with E. Fureix), La modernité désenchantée. Relire l’histoire du xixe siècle français, Paris, La Découverte, 2015; and Technocritiques. Du refus des machines à la contestation des technosciences, Paris, La Découverte, 2014.

He has also edited a number of books and journal issues, including (with Q. Deluermoz), “La part animale du xixe siècle,” Revue d’histoire du xixe siècle, no. 54, 2017; and Dompter Prométhée. Technologies et socialismes à l’âge romantique, Besançon, PUFC, 2016.


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