Margareth Lanzinger is a Professor at the University of Vienna (Austria). Her habilitation thesis, which was published in 2015 and defended in 2013, is entitled “La parenté administrée. Interdictions de mariage, pratiques ecclésiales et étatiques de dispenses aux xviiie et xixe siècles” (“Verwaltete Verwandtschaft. Eheverbote, kirchliche und staatliche Dispenspraxis im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert”). Her research approach, which cuts across historical anthropology, microhistory, and gender history, focuses on the relational and material aspects of kinship and marriage, the cultural history of administration, and the making of heroines. She is a member of the editorial boards of L'Homme Z.F.G, Historische Anthropologie, Quaderni storici, and Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie. She recently published The Power of the Fathers. Historical Perspectives from Ancient Rome to the Nineteenth Century (Routledge, 2015), and with Christine Fertig Beziehungen, Vernetzungen, Konflikte. Perspektiven Historischer Verwandtschaftsforschung (Böhlau, 2016). She also collaborated on the collective work Das Haus in der Geschichte Europas, edited by Joachim Eibach and Inken Schmidt-Voges (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2015).