Philippe VONNARD

Holder of a doctorate from the Department of Social and Political Science of the University of Lausanne (CH), Philippe Vonnard is currently an FNS Senior Researcher in the Contemporary History Department at the University of Fribourg (CH) and a teaching fellow at the Sports Science Institute of the University of Lausanne. His research focuses on the internationalization and social history of sports,leisure activities and tourism in Switzerland, and the environmental history of the Alpine region. A member of the editorial board of the journals Sciences sociales et sport and Les Sports modernes, he is co-editor of the “RERIS Studies in International Sport Relations” collection (De Gruyter).


Illustration 1: Draw for slots in a European competition, photograph, March 1967 (Vienna). Source: UEFA image archive.
Illustration 1: Draw for slots in a European competition, photograph, March 1967 (Vienna). Source: UEFA image archive.
Women’s football match in Saint-Ouen during the interwar period
Clubs competing in the second edition of the European Champions Clubs’ Cup (1956-1957 season). Source : Official UEFA Newsletter, November 1956 (no. 6), p. 3.

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