A doctoral student in history, Tanja Herrmann is working on French-German twinnings (thesis under the administrative authority of the University of Mainz and l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). She is responsible for implementing an integrated French-German curriculum between the universities of Mainz and Bourgogne, and is also in charge of the intergenerational forum within the French-German Office for Youth, where she is developing new ideas to revive twinnings. Her publications include Ein Baustein der deutsch-französischen Versöhnungsgeschichte? Die Städtepartnerschaft Wolfsburg-Marignane (Wolfsburg, Appelhans Verlag, 2011); “Les jumelages franco-allemands,” Allemagne d’aujourd’hui 201 (2012): 51-59; and “Städtepartnerschaften im trilateralen Kontext am Beispiel der Kommunalbeziehungen der Stadt Wolfsburg,” in Corine Defrance, Michael Kißener, Jan Kusber, Pia Nordblom, eds., Deutschland-Frankreich-Polen seit 1945. Transfer und Kooperation (Brussels, Peter Lang, 2014), p. 225-246.


Photograph illustrating the exchanges that took place as part of the twinning between Frankenthal (FRG) and Colombes (F), cities that are symbolically connected by a “Road of friendship”

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