Élodie SERNA

Élodie Serna holds a doctorate in Modern History. In May 2018 she completed her dissertation under the supervision of Sandrine Kott and Sylvie Aprile, Faire et défaire la virilité. Les stérilisations masculines volontaires en Europe dans l’entre-deux-guerres. She is an associate researcher at the IRHIS Laboratory at l’université Lille 3, and is continuing her research of the history of masculinities and sexuality.


Carl Steffeck, Execution of Robert Blum on November 9, 1848, 1848-1849. Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin.
Carl Steffeck, Execution of Robert Blum on November 9, 1848, 1848-1849. Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin. Source : Wikimedia Commons.
Photographs taken before and after the Steinach operation. Peter Schmidt, Conquest of Old Age, London, Routledge, 1931.

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