Alexandre DUPONT

A graduate of the École Normale Supérieure and former member of the Casa de Velázquez, Alexandre Dupont is currently Associate Professor at l’université de Strasbourg. His research focuses on transnational counter-revolutionary circulations, popular resistance to liberalism in rural settings, and a study of borders during the nineteenth century as a specific scale for politics. He is the author of Une internationale blanche. Histoire d’une mobilisation royaliste entre France et Espagne dans les années 1870, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2020, a book that was drawn from his doctoral thesis, as well as numerous articles and book chapters on exiles and political circulations beyond borders.


“Arrival of don Carlos at the bridge in Arnéguy, French border,” Le Monde illustré, weekly newspaper, Paris, 1857-1940.
“Arrival of don Carlos at the bridge in Arnéguy, French border,” Le Monde illustré, weekly newspaper, Paris, 1857-1940.
Bordalo Pinheiro, “Revolta da Maria da Fonte” (engraving), in A Ilustração, 1846, v. II, p. 71.

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