Benjamin FOUDRAL

A doctoral student in art history since 2013, Benjamin Foudral is currently writing a thesis, under the direction of Barthélémy Jobert at the University Paris-Sorbonne (centre André-Chastel) on the Belgian painter Léon Frederic (1856-1940), and is establishing the catalogue raisonné of his work. His study aims to resituate the work of this original artist in the context in which it was created as well as that of European idealism in painting. In collaboration with Thierry Laugée and Olivier Schuwer, he organized a study day on April 11, 2015 entitled Le Christ refiguré (1848-1939), organized as part of the LabEx EHNE “Écrire une histoire nouvelle de l’Europe.”


Auguste Levêque, Hymne d’amour, undated, oil on canvas, H. 1.82,  L. 2.35 m., Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.
Léon-Augustin Lhermitte, Among the Humble, 1905, oil on canvas, H. 1.04, L. 0.90 m. © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Source : Wikimedia Commons

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