Carole Rabiller is preparing a doctoral thesis under the direction of Professor Barthélémy Jobert (University Paris-Sorbonne) entitled Peinture et morale en France et en Angleterre. The aim of this thesis is to identify the role and influence of the moral question on critics’ appreciation and definition of English and French painting of the second half of the nineteenth century. In 2014 she co-organized the study day Critique d’art et nationalisme. Regards français sur l’art européen, and she is particularly interested in problematics that explore subjects such as national taste and cultural transfer.


André Belloguet, L’Europe animale : physiologie comique composée et dessinée sur les contours géographiques de l’Europe par A. Belloguet, Brussels, Imp. Vincent, 1882, lithography, 53.5 x 77 cm. Source : The Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam

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