Gilles CAIRE

Gilles Caire is Associate Professor HDR in Economics at the Poitiers Faculty of Law, and the holder of an agrégation in the social sciences. He is a member of CRIEF (Research Centre on Economic and Financial Integration), as well as a specialist on both the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and the tourism economy. He is especially interested in the governance of cooperative banks, SSE public policies, the impact of international tourism, vacation inequality, and the development of associations for social and solidarity tourism. In the monetary field, he notably helped draft the university textbook Économie monétaire et financière (Paris, Bréal, 2006), and took part in the conference entitled “Du franc à l’euro: changements et continuité de la monnaie” (From the Franc to the Euro: Changes and Continuity in Currency), held in Poitiers in November 2001.


Reverse side of the first 5 € banknote.
Source : Wikimedia Commons.

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