Henk-Jan Dekker studied history and philosophy at Utrecht University. Between 2016 and 2021 he conducted his PhD studies in the research project Bicycle Challenges: Past, Present, and Future of Sustainable Urban Mobility at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research focuses on the politics and governance of Dutch cycling by studying the historical role of policymakers, engineers and social movements. In 2021 he published his dissertation on the history of Dutch cycling governance entitled Cycling Pathways: The Politics and Governance of Dutch Cycling Infrastructure (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021). He is currently a researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology and an Assistant Editor at the journal Technology and Culture.


A woman cycling in the rain with two of her kids on a typical Dutch bicycle (location unknown, August 7, 1952). Visible is the closed mudguard over the wheels, the closed cover for the chain, the protection over the back wheel and the back and front carrier for one of the kids.
A woman cycling in the rain with two of her kids on a typical Dutch bicycle (location unknown, August 7, 1952). Visible is the closed mudguard over the wheels, the closed cover for the chain, the protection over the back wheel and the back and front carrier for one of the kids. Source : J.D. Noske, Fotocollectie Anefo/Nationaal Archief, no. 905-2549.

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