Marie Salaün is a professor of anthropology at l’Université de Paris, and a member of the Migrations and Society Research Unit (URMIS). Her disciplinary areas include social and cultural anthropology, the anthropology of Oceania, political anthropology, the anthropology of education, and colonial history. Her research focuses on the relation to the state within the postcolonial contexts of the insular Pacific. Her research compares native demands and institutional responses within a historical perspective. It also explores the watchword of “decolonization,” in addition to the notion of the “colonial legacy” and its local offshoots in New Caledonia, Hawaii, and French Polynesia, initially with respect to school-related issues, and later in the field of criminal justice. In 2013, she published Décoloniser l’école ? Hawai’i, Nouvelle-Calédonie. Expériences contemporaines (Rennes, PUR, coll. “Essais”), and in 2018, with Émeline Le Plain, L’école ambiguë. Histoires de famille à Tahiti (Paris, L’Harmattan).