Renaud d’Enfert is Professor of Educational Science at The University of Picardie Jules Verne, as well as a member of the Centre universitaire de recherches sur l’action publique et le politique – Épistémologie et sciences sociales (CURAPP-ESSS, UMR 7319, Academic Center for Administrative and Political Research). His research focuses on the history of education and training during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and more specifically on the history of scientific and technical education intended for working-class circles. He recently published L’histoire des disciplines scolaires : un champ de recherche en mutation, special feature in Revue française de pédagogie 199 (2017), co-edited with Clémence Cardon-Quint. He is preparing for publication: L’offre locale d’enseignement scientifique et technique. Approches disciplinaires (xviiie-xixe siècle) (Nancy: PUN-Éditions universitaires de Lorraine, 2020), co-edited with Virginie Fonteneau.


P. C. Klæstrup (1820-1882), Monitorial Education System, or the Bell-Lancaster Method. Source : Wikimedia Commons.

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