Thierry LAUGÉE

A Senior Lecturer in Modern Art History at the University Paris-Sorbonne, Thierry Laugée completed a doctoral thesis on La représentation du génie artistique dans la première moitié du xixe siècle français (directed by Barthélémy Jobert, 2009), published under the title Figures du génie dans l’art français (1802-1855) (Paris: PUPS, 2016). He served as the curator for the David d'Angers. Les visages du romantisme exhibition at the BnF in the department of Coins, Medals and Antiquities in 2011. His research and projects deal with the social construction of commemorative images, the political engagement of artists during the first half of the French nineteenth century, and the permeability between science and the arts during the nineteenth century. He co-directs the electronic edition of the Deloynes collection in the BnF’s department of Prints and Photographs, and coordinates the interdisciplinary Patri-Nat programme devoted to the patrimonialization of naturalist knowledge.


André Belloguet, L’Europe animale : physiologie comique composée et dessinée sur les contours géographiques de l’Europe par A. Belloguet, Brussels, Imp. Vincent, 1882, lithography, 53.5 x 77 cm. Source : The Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam

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