Ismail Ferhat is Associate Professor at l’université de Picardie Jules Verne (INSPE of the Academy of Amiens, where he leads the “secularism” mission), as well as a member of the CAREF laboratory. His research focuses on the history of education and the political history of modern France: educational policies, secularism, decentralization, teacher unionism, interactions between politics and education. He is a member of both the management committee of Carrefours de l’éducation and the editorial board of Parlements.

His most recent publications include: “Did Youth Destabilize Politics? Western European Social Democracies and Student Movements in the Long Sixties,” Espacio, tiempo y educación 6 (2019): 87-99; ed., Les foulards de la discorde. Retours sur l’affaire de Creil, 1989 (La Tour d’Aigues: Éditions de l’Aube, 2019).


“The removal of crucifixes from schools in the city of Paris”. Drawing by Léon Gerlier published in La Presse illustrée, n° 673, 20 February 1881. © Musée Carnavalet.
“The removal of crucifixes from schools in the city of Paris”. Drawing by Léon Gerlier published in La Presse illustrée, n° 673, 20 February 1881. © Musée Carnavalet.

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